IDDSI -International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative
What is the IDDSI ?
Several years ago, Nutrisens undertook to contribute to safe eating and drinking for dysphagia sufferers.
We launched the DSA Pack range, developed with Michel Guatterie, in 2014. It includes a test to assess the patient’s level of difficulty in swallowing, enabling carers to select appropriate food and drink.
The IDDSI is a framework set up with the help of patients, carers, health professionals, manufacturers and institutions from various countries to establish a standardised terminology and definitions for texture modified foods and thickened liquids to improve the safety and care for individuals with dysphagia.
The aim is to to ensure that all links in the care chain use the same terminology.
A study began in 2013 and a standard framework was drawn up in 2015, as illustrated below.
The classification, applied alongside simple assessment methods, helps carers select the most suitable texture to serve to a patient, choosing from grades 0 to 7.
Each grade has been classified according to syringe- or fork-testing methods.
- Use of a syringe to assess liquid flow, from thin to extremely thick, i.e. grades 0 to 4
- Use of a fork, spoon, chopsticks or fingers to asses the texture of grades 4 to 7.
These methods were drawn up to facilitate comprehension among those involved in caring for dysphagia sufferers by establishing standard terms to identify textures of food and drink that can also be used by carers and patients alike.
Detailed information about the methodology: Download pdf
Where does Nutrisens come in?
Our DSA pack range includes thickened foods and drinks which cover IDDSI grades 1 to 6.

The DSA Pack includes a test to assess your patient’s ability to swallow liquids and select the applicable grade of liquid to be administered to ensure safe, optimum hydration.
The physio-chemical properties of all our products are clearly identified, which safeguards the quality of the range.