Increasing the protein and energy content of meals
A way of preventing and combating malnutrition
Patients are offered high-protein, high energy dishes (starters, main dishes, dairy desserts, snacks and drinks) without increasing the amount of food on the plate. The change is therefore imperceptible. This strategy is based on a two-pronged approach:
- Preventing malnutrition: in persons at risk (such as dependent elderly people), a high-protein diet is recommended. For those who consume very little meat and/or have a small appetite, it is imperative.
Treating malnutrition: According to French health authority guidelines a high-protein and/or high-energy diet is an unobtrusive treatment, with the advantage of not disrupting a patient’s habits or schedule (H.A.S., 2007). Although it does not replace the use of dietary supplements, an enriched diet is a good mid- to long-term alternative, especially when supplements are forgotten or ignored.